Friday, December 10, 2021

What is worm composting?

Worm Composting

Vermicomposting, or worm composting, involves using worms to speed up the composting process.  You can add the items that you would traditionally add to a compost bin to a worm bin.  The worms produce castings (worm poop) which enriches your worm compost.

Is worm composting difficult?  No.

What do you feed your worms for your worm compost or vermicompost?

Use kitchen scraps, but not meat 
Use fruit and vegetable scraps 
Compost citrus, leeks, and onions in another bin before adding them to your worm compost bin

You can use a food processor or blender to make the food particles smaller .
Worms have little mouths so doing this step makes the foods easier for them to eat.

Coffee grounds and tea leaves are good to add to your vermicomposting bin or your regular compost bin. 

Cleaned, ground, and baked eggshells are a good addition and can be added to a worm food mix.

If you are out of kitchen scraps, you can also feed your worms: 
  • shredded dry leaves
  • partially finished compost from other compost bins
  • grass clippings
  • pulverized bird seed

Worms are like chickens and need grit for digestion. Good options for worm grit: 
  • azomite
  • cleaned, ground, and dried eggshells
  • fine sand
  • coffee grounds

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